

Thank you for partnering with us!

If you want to support us, one of the “workers on the field” or one of the projects we manage:

  • Please follow the instructions below
  • Please always indicate the purpose of the donation “JPELY”, “Romanian camp”, “YFC Belgium” ...

Support from USA

1. Donation by Check, by Mail:

  • Make check out to: “Youth For Christ International”
  • Note on check that it’s for YFC Romania or YFC Romania/JP Longeron
  • Mail to:
  • YFCI
  • P.O. Box 4555
  • Englewood, CO 80155

2. Donation by Credit Card or EFT, online:

Go to :

Support from Canada

Donations from CANADA can be handled by YFC Canada

  • through:
  • from the Category List choose - 'Global Projects'
  • from the Global Designation List choose - 'Romania'
  • complete the details for frequency of donation and the amount (ignore 'dedicate my gift')
  • select 'Donate online' and follow directions on next page
  • in the Comments box/section please write who or what you are supporting - Poarta Oilor Project / Summer Camps / 3000 steps or the name of the missionary
  • choose the tax receipt preference and below that is the 'Donation Method' - the option to choose to give by credit or debit card

Support from Switzerland

Send your support through :

  • SMG Schweizerische Missions
  • Gemeinschaft 8404 Winterthur Switzerland
  • IBAN : CH92 0900 0000 8004 2881 3
  • Indications : 537160 / Youth for Christ Romania - JP&Ely Longeron

    Always Indicate the name of the project and people you support.

Support from France

1. On-line donations:

  • A commission is charged for each donation made by credit card. This is why we encourage all monthly donations to be made by bank transfer (which is free of charge). Thank you for your understanding.

2. Bank transfer:

  • IBAN: FR 76 3008 7330 0200 0209 7460 197
  • Please indicate "From LAST NAME + First name for JPC Romania (+ provide details if it is for a missionary, an event, etc.)" in the transfer subject.

2. Check:

Check order: M’ Europe

Indicate on the back of the check: “For JPC Romania (+ detail if it is for a missionary, an event...)”.

  • M’Europe Association
  • At CANARD Christa
  • 29, rue d’Armor
  • 22290 GOUDELIN

Donations made to M’ Europe allow you, if you are under the French fiscal legislation, to automatically receive a tax receipt entitling you to a tax reduction. This reduction is 66% of the amount of your donation within the limit of 20% of your taxable income. Beyond this limit, you can carry forward the amount of the excess for 5 years and benefit from the tax deduction under the same conditions.

Support from Romania (or any other country)

Here are the details of YFC Romania account numbers : Tineret Pentru Cristos

  • Banca Unicredit Tiriac
  • Cont Lei: RO98 BACX 0000 0007 5393 6000
  • Cont Eur: RO71 BACX 0000 0007 5393 6001
  • Cont Usd: RO44 BACX 0000 0007 5393 6002
  • Bank Address: Arad, Piața Avram Iancu, Nr. 13, Corp A, Jud. Arad
  • Cod Swift: BACXROBU

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