Adalberto and Miranda Hawkins are missionaries in Paris, France. They serve primarily with refugees and victims of sex trafficking. They currently live in community with new believers from a muslim background, disicipling them through every day life. While they are passionate about sharing the gospel and teaching people to obey Jesus, they desire to equip other missionaries to go and reach the lost. This is what they hope to bring to the table with YFC Romania.
Having already led two french youth teams on mission trips to Romania; they hope to encourage more youth to discover the mission in the coming years and support local missionaries in the field through discipleship and leadership training. In the long term, their goal is to extend their work to anti-human trafficking efforts in Romania. When they are not serving or working; Adalberto loves spending his time reading theology and skateboarding, and Miranda enjoys cooking and playing with their dog.
call_to_action I GIVEAdi fait partie de notre staff depuis début 2021 et il travaille comme assistant du directeur pour servir les équipes qui sont sur le terrain. C’est l’aide de JP pour toutes les choses pratiques et administratives.
Il est impliqué dans une église à Targu Mures où il y sert par la grâce de Dieu. Avec l’aide du Seigneur, il dirige un groupe d’études bibliques pour des chrétiens.
Il a hâte de voir des disciples dévoués de notre Seigneur Jésus et autant de chrétiens que possible qui deviendront des parents spirituels pour la génération future.
call_to_action I GIVEEmilia is Ely’s sister. Stefan and Emilia grew up in the gypsy village of Augustin. When they came to Christ, Stefan and Emilia quickly dedicated themselves to the children and to the young people of their village and began to organize many activities for these young people (evenings, weekends, house meetings, children's sponsoring...). Their work focuses on youth evangelization and discipleship (in addition to social help) in gypsy villages.
Sorin & Mihaela heard about Jesus ever since they were very young. One day, while watching the youth in his village waste their time on boredom, Sorin thought to himself that the Church should be present there. Sorin fought hard to bring the Gospel message to their village in an adapted manner. He started with a music festival - Youth Music Fest ( - which now brings together more than 600 young people each summer. Sorin & Mihaela also began weekly programs for the kids, and music week-ends for the teens.
Zoli and Csilla have a desire to serve among children and youth since they committed their lives to God. They started to serve separately, Csilla among children and Zoli in a youth group. After marriage they continued the work together. Their call is from God to serve as missionaries among children and youth. The desire of their heart is to share the Gospel with many children and young people who become disciples and make others disciple .of Christ Their work is with children in Good News Clubs, teens in Rock Solid Clubs, summer camps, discipleship.
David and Rebeca have been in church and youth ministry for decades, serving God in different churches, locations and cultures. By God’s amazing grace, their ministry journey has led them to YFC Romania in Slatina and they are passionate about seeing youth come to know Christ.
Since August 2018 they’ve lived in Slatina and served with Grace Church to reach youth and families for Christ. God has placed in them a special love for their youth and co-laborers. They are reaching out to youth from 6 to 18 years old through English classes, youth clubs, camps and many more. If you would like to learn more about their work, see what they’re doing and contact them through their website by clicking this link:
Târgu Mureș
Jenci and Emese are both Hungarian who were born in Romania. Their home in Livezeni, near Târgu Mureș, is full of life thanks to their daughter Eva and the many visitors they host. ‘Dream Guesthouse’ is a very special ministry where guests can stay free-of-charge:
Jenci and Emese have a heart for unity among Christian believers and wish to facilitate the Kingdom in all they do using their experience in the ministry field.
For 15 years Elie and Evelyne served as missionaries in Africa. Elie worked in administration and Evelyn in discipleship and serving as a nurse. They then moved back to France where they pastored a church for 15 years and then managed a Christian home for students in Marseille for another 6 years. Since their retirement, they have collaborated with YFC France and with YFC Romania starting in 2019. Elie and Evelyne have 3 children and 8 grandchildren.
call_to_action I GIVEMyung Soo is Belgian & is the founder of YFC Romania. He moved to this country in 1992 in order to begin the missionary work. Romania had just come out of communism and the needs were enormous.
Since then the country has changed immensely. As many young Romanians left the country to find a better life elsewhere, Myung Soo stayed, remaining faithful to organizing evangelistic events for the young people of Romania.